On 2016-12-26 21:30-0500 Pedro Vicente wrote:

> @Alan, Phil
>> Now that we have such a widely tested solution, would you be willing
>> to write a short summary paragraph concerning the changes in the
>> plplotwxwidgets library API?
> here it goes. The API really has no visible changes, but has a loss of 
> functionality
> (use of templates, i.e, ability to do plots other than in wxFrame windows)

@Phil and Pedro:

Isn't that loss of functionality by definition a backwards
incompatibility in the API for the plplotwxwidgets library?  If Phil
and you confirm that interpretation, I will need to warn about
that in the release notes.

Important questions below for Phil.

> "Fixed a bug that happened in test_wxPLplotDemo for  some Linux 
> configurations.
> The effect of the bug was a segmentation fault, due to the fact that an 
> invalid
> plot stream pointer was used. The cause of the stream pointer being invalid
> is that the frame window did not initialize in a timely manner. This 
> behaviour is a
> wxWidgets feature that can or cannot happen in GTK/X11 window systems.
> The solution for test_wxPLplotDemo was to initialize the stream in the 
> function
> Create(), which is done immediatley, instead of doing it on the function 
> OnCreate(),
> that is called later and executed at an indeterminated time. Note: the 
> possiblility and request of creating
> the stream in OnCreate() is still present, because this is a feature of the 
> driver needed elsewhere.
> A side effect of creating the new function Create() for the class 
> wxPLplotwindow,
> is that the class cannot be a template. At this time the class is descendant 
> from
> wxFrame, so only wxFrame windows can be created."
>> To help you figure out what to say, here is how to discover the
>> changes since plplot-5.11.1 in the library API and our demo that links
>> with that library:
>> git diff --ignore-all-space plplot-5.11.1 bindings/wxwidgets/*.h
> I did not got back in time this way, because all the other changes were made 
> by Phil.
> Basically what I did was start with the current master of wxPLplotwindow and
> 1) override a function Create()
> 2) do an auxilirary function CreateStream() that contains the code that was 
> previously in
> OnCreate(). This function is both called by Create() and OnCreate(). A 
> boolean
> flag assures that is only executed 1 time.
> 3) Moved the event trigering that was previously on the wxPLplotwindow 
> constructor
> by ::Connect() calls
> to a static event table
> This change 3) was not really needed, it was just to reflect the current way 
> of handling events
> http://docs.wxwidgets.org/3.1/overview_events.html
> either by the static event table or by ::Bind()
> feel free to change anything in the description.

@ Pedro:

Thanks for the above description of what you did.


I need your answers to the following questions.

1. Can you spot any release-critical issues with Pedro's present
    two-commit fix (i.e., any trouble you can forsee for our Unix
    and/or Windows users if we release with this)?

2. Are there any essential short-term changes you want to make to his
    approach for this release?  (Essential here means release-critical
    as used in question 1.)

3. Are there any long-term (post-release) changes you want to make to
    his approach?

Your answers to these questions are release critical so I would
appreciate your timely response to them.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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