
my mistake, the .gz file has a git patch.
Use the attached files to replace the ones you have in git master


On 2016-12-27 15:08, Pedro Vicente wrote:
Hi Laurent

I did some changes to the current master that will allow you to keep
using this code

wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame>();

would you mind giving it a try?


git clone of Plplot (in Windows I use Tortoise git)
extract the attached .gz
copy the 2 files

to to their locations in the master (in bindings/wxwidgets and examples/c++)

and rebuild your application



On 2016-12-27 10:27, Laurent Berger wrote:
Problem is my compiler said

3>c:userslaurent.pc-laurent-visidocumentsvisual studio
2013wxopencvwxopencvmaincourbeplplot.h(55): error C2059: syntax error

Now syntax error I need two days to change my code. It was like this
in previous version of plplot. I don't remember 5.xx.xx. I don't wan't
to go back in my code. I will use 5.11.1


but for the current (5.11.1) release compared to the new
the effect is the same

previously the way to start the demo was

wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame>();

and now is

wxPLplotwindow *frame = new wxPLplotwindow();

and because wxPLplotwindow is a child of a wxFrame,
the visible effect is exactly the same, a frame window that shows


Le 27/12/2016 à 16:11, Pedro Vicente a écrit :


I have installed last version of plplot and last patch (from
you confirm me that wxPLplotwindow is now a non template class?

yes, that is correct.


On 2016-12-27 10:04, Laurent Berger wrote:


I have installed last version of plplot and last patch (from
you confirm me that wxPLplotwindow is now a non template class?

thanks for yours answers

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Pedro Vicente

Pedro Vicente
// Copyright (C) 2015  Phil Rosenberg
// Copyright (C) 2005  Werner Smekal
// This file is part of PLplot.
// PLplot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
// along with PLplot; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


#include "plplot.h"
#include "wxPLplotstream.h"
#include <wx/window.h>
#include <wx/dcmemory.h>
#include <wx/dcclient.h>
#include <wx/dcgraph.h>
#include <wx/dcbuffer.h>

// A plplot wxWindow template. To create an actual plplot wxWindow use
// the type of wxWindow you wish to inherit from at the template parameter
// For example to create a plplot wxFrame create a wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame>
// then call the base wxWindow's Create method to initialise.
template <class WXWINDOW>
class wxPLplotwindow : public WXWINDOW
    wxPLplotwindow( bool useGraphicsContext = true, wxSize clientSize = 
wxDefaultSize ); //!< Constructor.
    virtual ~wxPLplotwindow( void );                                            
         //!< Destructor.

    void RenewPlot( void );                                                     
         //!< Redo plot.
    bool SavePlot( const wxString& driver, const wxString& filename );          
         //!< Save plot using a different driver.
    wxPLplotstream* GetStream()  { return m_created ? &m_stream : NULL; }       
         //!< Get pointer to wxPLplotstream of this widget.
    void setUseGraphicsContext( bool useGraphicsContext );
    void setCanvasColour( const wxColour &colour );
    bool IsReady() { return GetStream() != NULL; }

    bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
      wxWindowID id,
      const wxString& title,
      const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
      const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
      long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
      const wxString& name = wxFrameNameStr);

    void CreateStream();
    virtual void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event );         //!< Paint event
    virtual void OnSize( wxSizeEvent & event );          //!< Size event
    virtual void OnErase( wxEraseEvent &event );         //!< Background erase 
    virtual void OnCreate( wxWindowCreateEvent &event ); //!< Window created 
    void OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event );                 //!< Mouse events
    wxPLplotstream m_stream;                             //!< The 
wxPLplotstream which belongs to this plot widget
    bool           m_created;                            //!< Flag to indicate 
the window has been Created

    bool     m_useGraphicsContext;                       //!< Flag to indicate 
whether we should use a wxGCDC
    wxBitmap m_bitmap;
    // The memory dc and wrapping gc dc for drawing. Note we
    //use pointers and reallocate them whenever the bitmap is
    //resized because reusing either of these causes problems
    //for rendering on a wxGCDC - at least on Windows.
    wxMemoryDC *m_memoryDc;
    wxSize     m_initialSize;
    wxGCDC     *m_gcDc;
    wxColour   m_canvasColour;
    virtual void OnLocate( const PLGraphicsIn &graphicsIn ){}

//! Constructor initialises variables, creates the wxStream and connects
// methods with events. The WXWINDOW default constructor is used.
template<class WXWINDOW>
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::wxPLplotwindow( bool useGraphicsContext, wxSize 
clientSize )
    : m_created( false ), m_initialSize( clientSize )

    m_memoryDc = NULL;
    m_gcDc = NULL;
    setUseGraphicsContext( useGraphicsContext );
    m_canvasColour = *wxBLACK;

    //We use connect instead of Bind for compatiblity with wxWidgets 2.8
    //but should move to bind in the future.
    WXWINDOW::Connect( wxEVT_SIZE, wxSizeEventHandler( 
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnSize ) );
    WXWINDOW::Connect( wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler( 
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnPaint ) );
    WXWINDOW::Connect( wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, wxEraseEventHandler( 
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnErase ) );
    WXWINDOW::Connect( wxEVT_CREATE, wxWindowCreateEventHandler( 
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnCreate ) );
    WXWINDOW::Connect( wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler( 
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnMouse ) );
    WXWINDOW::Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler( 
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnMouse ) );
    WXWINDOW::Connect( wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP, wxMouseEventHandler( 
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnMouse ) );
    WXWINDOW::Connect( wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler( 
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnMouse ) );

//! Destructor - delete the dc and gcdc if needed.
template<class WXWINDOW>
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::~wxPLplotwindow( void )
    if ( m_memoryDc )
        delete m_memoryDc;
    if ( m_gcDc )
        delete m_gcDc;

template<class WXWINDOW>
bool wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const 
wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const 
wxString& name)
  if (!WXWINDOW::Create(parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name))
    return false;
  return true;

template<class WXWINDOW>
void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::CreateStream(void)
  if (!m_created)
    //set the client size if requested
    if (m_initialSize != wxDefaultSize)
    //create the stream
    int width = WXWINDOW::GetClientSize().GetWidth();
    int height = WXWINDOW::GetClientSize().GetHeight();
    m_bitmap.Create(width, height);
    if (m_memoryDc)
      delete m_memoryDc;
    m_memoryDc = new wxMemoryDC;
    wxDC * drawDc = m_memoryDc;
    if (m_useGraphicsContext)
      if (m_gcDc)
        delete m_gcDc;
      m_gcDc = new wxGCDC(*m_memoryDc);
      drawDc = m_gcDc;
    if (!m_stream.IsValid())
      m_stream.Create(drawDc, width, height, wxPLPLOT_DRAW_TEXT);

    m_created = true;

//! In the OnPaint Method we check if the Windows was resized (will be moved to 
OnSize() sometimes
//  later), we also implement our own double buffering here (since the PLplot 
wxWidgets driver draws
//  into a wxMemoryDC)
template<class WXWINDOW>
void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED( event ) )
    //Really this should be in the constructor, but it caused a segfault
    //on at least one system (CentOS with intel compiler and wxWidgets 2.8.12).
    //Moving it here after WXWINDOW::Create has been called stops this and
    //the call does nothing if the style is the same as previous calls so
    //should be safe to call here.
    //WXWINDOW::SetBackgroundStyle( wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM );

    //wxAutoBufferedPaintDC dc( (WXWINDOW*)this );
    int       width  = WXWINDOW::GetClientSize().GetWidth();
    int       height = WXWINDOW::GetClientSize().GetHeight();

    wxPaintDC paintDc( this );

    //resize the plot if needed
    bool needResize = width != m_bitmap.GetWidth() || height != 
    if ( needResize )
        m_bitmap.Create( width, height, 32 );
        if ( m_memoryDc )
            delete m_memoryDc;
        m_memoryDc = new wxMemoryDC;
        m_memoryDc->SelectObject( m_bitmap );
        wxDC *drawDc = m_memoryDc;
        if ( m_useGraphicsContext )
            if ( m_gcDc )
                delete m_gcDc;
            m_gcDc = new wxGCDC( *m_memoryDc );
            drawDc = m_gcDc;
        if( IsReady() )
            m_stream.SetDC( drawDc );
        drawDc->SetBackground( wxBrush( m_canvasColour ) );
        if( IsReady() )
            m_stream.SetSize( width, height );

    paintDc.Blit( 0, 0, width, height, m_memoryDc, 0, 0 );

//! This is called when the plot is resized
template<class WXWINDOW>
void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED( event ) )
    //Invalidate the whole window so it is all redrawn, otherwise only
    //newly exposed parts of the window get redrawn

//! This is called before each paint event
template<class WXWINDOW>
void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnErase( wxEraseEvent& WXUNUSED( event ) )
    //Do nothing. This stops screen flicker.

//! This is called when the widow is created i.e. after WXWINDOW::Create
//  has been called. We note that this has been called to avoid attempting
//  to redraw a plot on a window that hasn't been created yet.
template<class WXWINDOW>
void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnCreate( wxWindowCreateEvent &event )

//Capture Mouse events and pass the
template<class WXWINDOW>
void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event )
    PLGraphicsIn graphicsIn;
    wxPoint      cursorPosition = event.GetPosition();
    wxSize       clientSize     = WXWINDOW::GetClientSize();

    graphicsIn.pX        = cursorPosition.x;
    graphicsIn.pY        = cursorPosition.y;
    graphicsIn.dX        = PLFLT( cursorPosition.x + 0.5 ) / PLFLT( 
clientSize.GetWidth() );
    graphicsIn.dY        = 1.0 - PLFLT( cursorPosition.y + 0.5 ) / PLFLT( 
clientSize.GetHeight() );
    graphicsIn.keysym    = 0x20;
    graphicsIn.state     = 0;
    graphicsIn.subwindow = -1;
    graphicsIn.type      = 0;
    graphicsIn.string[0] = '\0';
    if ( event.LeftUp() )
        graphicsIn.button = 1;
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_BUTTON1;
    else if ( event.MiddleUp() )
        graphicsIn.button = 2;
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_BUTTON2;
    else if ( event.RightUp() )
        graphicsIn.button = 3;
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_BUTTON3;
    else if ( event.Aux1Up() )
        graphicsIn.button = 4;
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_BUTTON4;
    else if ( event.Aux2Up() )
        graphicsIn.button = 5;
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_BUTTON5;
        //If we get here we have just captured motion
        //not a click
        graphicsIn.button = 0;
        graphicsIn.state  = 0;
        graphicsIn.keysym = 0;

    if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT ) )
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_SHIFT;
    if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_CAPITAL ) )
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_CAPS;
    if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_ALT ) && wxGetKeyState( WXK_CONTROL ) )
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_ALTGR;
    else if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_CONTROL ) )
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_CONTROL;
    else if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_ALT ) )
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_ALT;
    if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_NUMLOCK ) )
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_NUM;
    if ( wxGetKeyState( WXK_SCROLL ) )
        graphicsIn.state |= PL_MASK_SCROLL;
    //Note I can't find a way to catch the windows key

    if( IsReady() )
        m_stream.translatecursor( &graphicsIn );
    this->OnLocate( graphicsIn );

//! Redo the whole plot, only if the window has been Created
template<class WXWINDOW>
void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::RenewPlot( void )
    if ( m_created )

//! Save plot.
template<class WXWINDOW>
bool wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::SavePlot( const wxString& devname, const 
wxString& filename )
    int  pls, pls_save;
    FILE *sfile;

    if ( ( sfile = fopen( filename.mb_str(), "wb+" ) ) == NULL )
        return false;

    plgstrm( &pls );
    plmkstrm( &pls_save );
    if ( pls_save < 0 )
        fclose( sfile );
        return false;
    plsdev( devname.mb_str() );
    plsfile( sfile );

    plspage( 0., 0., 800, 600, 0, 0 );
    plcpstrm( pls, 0 );
    pladv( 0 );
    plsstrm( pls );

    return true;

//! Set whether we wish to use wxGCDC instead of a wxDC
template<class WXWINDOW>
void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::setUseGraphicsContext( bool useGraphicsContext )
    wxDC *drawDc;
    if ( useGraphicsContext != m_useGraphicsContext )
        m_useGraphicsContext = useGraphicsContext;
        drawDc = m_useGraphicsContext ? (wxDC *) m_gcDc : (wxDC *) m_memoryDc;
    drawDc = &m_memoryDc;
    m_useGraphicsContext = false;
    if ( IsReady() )
        m_stream.SetDC( drawDc );

template<class WXWINDOW>
void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::setCanvasColour( const wxColour &colour )
    m_canvasColour = colour;

#endif // !defined( WXPLPLOTWINDOW_H__INCLUDED_ )
// Copyright (C) 2005  Werner Smekal
// This file is part of PLplot.
// PLplot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
// along with PLplot; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
    #pragma hdrstop

#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
    #include "wx/wx.h"

#ifdef __WXMAC__
        #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
extern "C" { void CPSEnableForegroundOperation( ProcessSerialNumber* psn ); }

#include "wxPLplotwindow.h"
#include <cmath>

#define MAX( a, b )    ( ( a ) < ( b ) ? ( b ) : ( a ) )
#define MIN( a, b )    ( ( a ) < ( b ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) )

// Application icon as XPM
// This free icon was taken from
static const char            *graph[] = {
// columns rows colors chars-per-pixel
    "16 16 4 2",
    "   c black",
    ".  c #BA1825",
    "X  c gray100",
    "UX c None",
// pixels
    "UX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . UX",
    ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
    ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
    ". . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . ",
    ". . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . ",
    ". . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . ",
    ". . . . . X X . . . . X X . . . ",
    ". . . . . X X . . . . X X . . . ",
    ". . . . . X X . X X . X X . . . ",
    ". . . . . X X . X X . X X . . . ",
    ". . . . . X X . X X . X X . . . ",
    ". . . . . X X . X X . X X . . . ",
    ". . . X X X X X X X X X X . . . ",
    ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
    ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ",
    "UX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . UX"

class wxPlDemoFrame : public wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame>
    virtual void OnLocate( const PLGraphicsIn &graphicsIn );

void wxPlDemoFrame::OnLocate( const PLGraphicsIn &graphicsIn )
    if ( graphicsIn.button == 0 )
        return;         //Do nothing for motion, only respond to clicks

    wxString message;

    if ( ( graphicsIn.state & PL_MASK_SHIFT ) != 0 )
        message << "Shift-";
    if ( ( graphicsIn.state & PL_MASK_CAPS ) != 0 )
        message << "Caps Lock-";
    if ( ( graphicsIn.state & PL_MASK_CONTROL ) != 0 )
        message << "Ctrl-";
    if ( ( graphicsIn.state & PL_MASK_ALT ) != 0 )
        message << "Alt-";
    if ( ( graphicsIn.state & PL_MASK_NUM ) != 0 )
        message << "Num Lock-";
    if ( ( graphicsIn.state & PL_MASK_ALTGR ) != 0 )
        message << "Alt Gr-";
    if ( ( graphicsIn.state & PL_MASK_WIN ) != 0 )
        message << "Win-";
    if ( ( graphicsIn.state & PL_MASK_SCROLL ) != 0 )
        message << "Scroll Lock-";

    if ( graphicsIn.button == 1 )
        message << "Left click.\n";
    else if ( graphicsIn.button == 2 )
        message << "Middle click.\n";
    else if ( graphicsIn.button == 3 )
        message << "Right click.\n";
    message << "Pixels: x = " << graphicsIn.pX << " y = " << graphicsIn.pY << 
    if ( graphicsIn.subwindow >= 0 )
        message << "World: x = " << graphicsIn.wX << " y = " << graphicsIn.wY 
<< ".\n";
        message << "Window = " << graphicsIn.subwindow << ".\n";
        message << "Point is not in a Window.\n";
    wxMessageBox( message, "Mouse capture demo" );

template< class WXWINDOW >
void Plot( wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW> *plotwindow );

class MyApp : public wxApp
    virtual bool OnInit();


//! This method is called right at the beginning and opens a frame for us.
bool MyApp::OnInit()
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    // this hack enables to have a GUI on Mac OSX even if the
    // program was called from the command line (and isn't a bundle)
    ProcessSerialNumber psn;

    GetCurrentProcess( &psn );
    CPSEnableForegroundOperation( &psn );
    SetFrontProcess( &psn );

    //There is only a default constructor for the wxPLplotwindow<> class
    //so we do two stage creation - first use default constructor, then
    //call Create.
    wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wxPlDemoFrame();
    frame->Create( NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT( "wxPLplotDemo" ));
    //Now we can set up our frame and do the plotting
    frame->SetIcon( wxIcon( graph ) );
    Plot( frame );

    //note that all the code above starting from the Create() call could
    //instead go in the wxPlDemoFrame constructor should we wish. It is
    //entirely the user's choice.

    return true;

template< class WXWINDOW >
void Plot( wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW> *plotwindow )
  if (!plotwindow->IsReady())
    wxMessageBox(wxT("Somehow we attempted to plot before the wxPLplotwindow 
was ready. The plot will not be drawn."));
  wxPLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();

    const size_t  np = 500;
    PLFLT         x[np], y[np];
    PLFLT         xmin, xmax;
    PLFLT         ymin = 1e30, ymax = 1e-30;

    xmin = -2.0;
    xmax = 10.0;
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < np; i++ )
        x[i] = ( xmax - xmin ) * i / np + xmin;
        y[i] = 1.0;
        if ( x[i] != 0.0 )
            y[i] = sin( x[i] ) / x[i];
        ymin = MIN( ymin, y[i] );
        ymax = MAX( ymax, y[i] );

    pls->adv( 0 );
    pls->col0( 1 );
    pls->env( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 0 );
    pls->col0( 2 );
    pls->lab( "x", "y", "sin(x)/x" );

    pls->col0( 3 );
    pls->width( 2 );
    pls->line( np, x, y );


//class MyPlotwindow : public wxPLplotwindow
//    MyPlotwindow( wxFrame* frame, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const 
wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
//                  const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0,
//                  int pl_style = wxPLPLOT_NONE );
//    void OnChar( wxKeyEvent& event );
//    wxFrame* mframe;
//// Define a new frame type: this is going to be our main frame
//class MyFrame : public wxFrame
//    MyFrame( const wxString& title );
//    void Plot();
//    void OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& event );
//    void OnAbout( wxCommandEvent& event );
//    void OnBackgroundColor( wxCommandEvent& event );
//    MyPlotwindow* plotwindow;
//    bool        bgcolor;
//    int         m_backend;
//// constants
//enum { wxPLplotDemo_Quit    = wxID_EXIT, wxPLplotDemo_About = wxID_ABOUT,
//       wxPLplotDemo_BGColor = 10000 };
//// event tables and other macros for wxWidgets
//BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( MyFrame, wxFrame )
//EVT_MENU( wxPLplotDemo_Quit, MyFrame::OnQuit )
//EVT_MENU( wxPLplotDemo_About, MyFrame::OnAbout )
//EVT_MENU( wxPLplotDemo_BGColor, MyFrame::OnBackgroundColor )
//// implementation
//MyPlotwindow::MyPlotwindow( wxFrame* frame, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, 
const wxPoint& pos,
//                            const wxSize& size, long style, int pl_style ) :
//    wxPLplotwindow( parent, id, pos, size, style, pl_style )
//    mframe = frame;
//void MyPlotwindow::OnChar( wxKeyEvent& event )
//    int keycode = event.GetKeyCode();
//    if ( keycode == WXK_RETURN ||
//         keycode == WXK_SPACE ||
//         keycode == WXK_RIGHT ||
//         keycode == WXK_ESCAPE )
//        mframe->Close( true );
//    else
//        event.Skip();
////! Constructor of our custom frame, where the Menu is created and a
////  a wxPLplotwindow is inserted into the frame. We plot some easy functions
////  just to show how it works. wxPLplotwindow takes care of all the setup
////  for the use of PLplot library.
//MyFrame::MyFrame( const wxString& title ) : wxFrame( NULL, wxID_ANY, title )
//    bgcolor = false;
//    // add menu
//    wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu;
//    fileMenu->Append( wxPLplotDemo_BGColor, _T( "&Change background 
color...\tAlt-C" ), _T( "Change background color" ) );
//    fileMenu->Append( wxPLplotDemo_About, _T( "&About...\tF1" ), _T( "Show 
about dialog" ) );
//    fileMenu->Append( wxPLplotDemo_Quit, _T( "E&xit\tAlt-X" ), _T( "Quit this 
program" ) );
//    wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar();
//    menuBar->Append( fileMenu, _T( "&File" ) );
//    SetMenuBar( menuBar );
//    SetIcon( wxIcon( graph ) );
//    // add the wxPLplot
//    wxPanel   * panel = new wxPanel( this );
//    wxBoxSizer* box   = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
//    plotwindow = new MyPlotwindow( this, panel, -1, wxDefaultPosition, 
wxDefaultSize, wxWANTS_CHARS,
//    plotwindow->Connect( wxEVT_CHAR, wxKeyEventHandler( MyPlotwindow::OnChar 
) );
//    box->Add( plotwindow, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 0 );
//    panel->SetSizer( box );
//    SetSize( 640, 500 );      // set frame size
//    SetSizeHints( 220, 150 ); // set minimum frame size
//    wxString m_title = title;
//    switch ( plotwindow->getBackend() )
//    {
//    case wxPLPLOT_BACKEND_DC:
//        m_title += wxT( " (basic)" );
//        break;
//    case wxPLPLOT_BACKEND_GC:
//        m_title += wxT( " (wxGC)" );
//        break;
//    case wxPLPLOT_BACKEND_AGG:
//        m_title += wxT( " (AGG)" );
//        break;
//    default:
//        break;
//    }
//    SetTitle( m_title );
//    Plot();
//void MyFrame::Plot()
//    wxPLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();
//    const size_t  np = 500;
//    PLFLT         x[np], y[np];
//    PLFLT         xmin, xmax;
//    PLFLT         ymin = 1e30, ymax = 1e-30;
//    xmin = -2.0;
//    xmax = 10.0;
//    for ( size_t i = 0; i < np; i++ )
//    {
//        x[i] = ( xmax - xmin ) * i / np + xmin;
//        y[i] = 1.0;
//        if ( x[i] != 0.0 )
//            y[i] = sin( x[i] ) / x[i];
//        ymin = MIN( ymin, y[i] );
//        ymax = MAX( ymax, y[i] );
//    }
//    pls->adv( 0 );
//    if ( bgcolor )
//    {
//        pls->scol0( 0, 255, 255, 255 );
//        pls->scol0( 15, 0, 0, 0 );
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        pls->scol0( 15, 255, 255, 255 );
//        pls->scol0( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
//    }
//    pls->col0( 1 );
//    pls->env( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 0 );
//    pls->col0( 2 );
//    pls->lab( "x", "y", "sin(x)/x" );
//    pls->col0( 3 );
//    pls->width( 2 );
//    pls->line( np, x, y );
//    plotwindow->RenewPlot();
//void MyFrame::OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED( event ) )
//    Close( true );
//void MyFrame::OnBackgroundColor( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED( event ) )
//    bgcolor = !bgcolor;
//    Plot();
////! Show information if Menu entry About was choosen.
//void MyFrame::OnAbout( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED( event ) )
//    wxMessageBox( _T( "This is the About dialog of the wxPLplot demo.\n" ), 
_T( "About wxPLplot" ),
//        wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this );
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