Just to add that I've just tested on my Ubuntu 16.04 system logging on
remotely using Cygwin ssh and X11 server and n my work CentOS system
logging on directly. Everything seems fine! Hopefully you will both
get the same results Pedro and Alan.


On 4 January 2017 at 14:26, Phil Rosenberg <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> Right I'm back with sensible access to all my systems and back into my
> usual routine.
> So, here goes
> On 28 December 2016 at 05:00, Pedro Vicente
> <pedro.vice...@space-research.org> wrote:
>> One small caveat is that I think you can only instantiate the template with
>> a class that has this Create()
>> signature
>> Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const
>> wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name)
>> which is of course , wxFrames, the current use.
>> Probably dialogs too, but maybe not things like buttons and other GUI
>> elements.
>> But I assume that the vast majority of users, if not all, draws the plot in
>> "regular" windows?.
> You are indeed correct about this. The other very major category that
> I think doesn't have this signature is wxPanels and we absolutely must
> maintain compatibility for this class. In fact it is more important
> for this class than any other, because you could create always create
> a wxPanel and put it as the only element of a wxFrame, wxDialog,
> wxPage etc
> So what I have done is modify the example so that we now generate two
> wxFrames with identical plots, but in slightly different ways.
> In one I have used the wxPlDemoFrame and moved most of the
> initialisation code into its constructor and then this frame is set up
> to capture idle events. When it captures idle events it checks
> everything is ready and calls Plot() (setting a flag so this only
> happens once).
> In the other I show how a frame can be created without using
> inheritance, with the caveat that Show() must be called and we must
> then wait for the wxEVT_CREATE event to be processed before we do any
> plotting.
> If I have this right then these methods should be totally general and
> should allow any of the constructors for any of the different wxWindow
> derived classes to be used. Which is good.
> However, you are very correct Pedro that mostly people are likely to
> want to derive from classes such as wxFrame, wxDialog and wxPanel. I
> think it makes sense to create those classes for our users so that
> they can use those in as few lines of code as possible. So what I
> would propose is that for this release we attempt to not add or remove
> anything from the API and just stick with an example that  works with
> what we've got. Then after this release we can add non-template
> classes for wxFrame, wxDialog and wxPanel which can be used really
> easily by our users and we have time to test them and make sure the
> API for their use is stable before the next release.
> Does that seem sensible?
> So I have just committed the changes I mentioned above. Pedro and
> Alan, if you have time to test them on your Linux systems that would
> be good. I've tested on my Windows system and I'm about to do so on my
> Linux system too.
> Phil

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