Hi Alan
this is indeed very strange.
here the result of uname -a
4.12.14-lp150.12.28-default #1 SMP Mon Dec 3 16:46:15 UTC 2018 (b91289f)
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

My distribution is opensuse leap 15.0
and my qt is 5.12.0

(although i had exactly the same result with 5.11 as i've tested it a few
weeks ago)

just built again with your cmake suggestion and the results are exactly the
same as before.
I'l try to get an hand during next week on a computer with a different
linux distribution just for testing.


On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 11:41 PM Alan W. Irwin <alan.w.irwin1...@gmail.com>

> On 2018-12-12 15:24-0000 António Rodrigues Tomé wrote:
> > Hi Alan,
> > now that 5.14 is out I would like to be more useful in solving the qt5
> > driver problem. However I do not complete understand the driver system to
> > be of big help.However for me I found a work arround that seems to work
> > quite well. I send you 4 files, output of x01 example using qt driver,
> png
> > and pdf)  the ones with Realease in name were created by the actual qt
> > driver version 5.14 that I constructed with the command
> > cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/artome/plplot/PLPLOTNEW/
> > cmake.out
> Hi António:
> Please keep this discussion thread on list.
> I think it would be better style (and also I think -DBUILD_TEST=ON is
> essential)
> to use instead
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/artome/plplot/PLPLOTNEW/
> I just tried all those options here (except for your
> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX), and they worked fine,
> i.e., eliminated all bindings other than cxx and qt, dropped the cairo
> devices, and included
> all qt devices (which happens by default if -DENABLE_qt=ON).
> What is your exact platform (I think it might still be opensuse, but what
> version?) and what are the results of the "uname -a" command on that
> platform?  Also, what is the version of Qt5 that you are using?
> The reason these details are important is I cannot replicate the text
> alignment issues you demonstrated with pdfqt and pngqt results for
> example one on your platform.  My platform is Debian Buster (with the
> Qt5 5.11.2 suite of libraries) installed on AMD64 hardware (Ryzen 7
> 1700).  I demonstrated that I cannot replicate your badly aligned
> results by configuring cmake in the way I described above and then
> executing the following commands:
> # Build the prerequisites for the specific examples below
> make -j16 test_c_pngqt
> make -j16 test_c_pdfqt
> # Build two specific examples
> examples/c/x01c -dev pngqt -o test.pngqt
> examples/c/x01c -dev pdfqt -o test.pdfqt
> I have attached those two result files so you can see for yourself that
> there are no text
> alignment issues.
> Also your suggested changes to plqt.cpp likely conflate two issues.  (i)
> alignment issues caused
> by your platform and not PLplot, and (ii) the size of the resulting
> characters (which I
> would prefer to put off discussing until later).  So to check those are
> two separate issues,
> what happens if you restore plqt.cpp to its original form except for this
> one line change:
> PLDLLIMPEXP_QT_DATA( int ) vectorize = 0;
> ==>
> PLDLLIMPEXP_QT_DATA( int ) vectorize = 1;
> ?  I am pretty sure that is the equivalent of the first part of your
> change where you
> are forcing the vectorize part of the code to be executed.
> If that one-line change is all you need to bypass your Qt5 platform
> issues, then I would be willing to test that simple change here to see
> if it also works on my platform.  But the vectorize = 1 code path has
> not been tested by anybody but you over the years and is just likely a
> workaround for your Qt5 platform issue so I likely won't push that
> one-line change in general.
> Also you do appear to be having text alignment troubles consistently
> over the years with your (opensuse?) Qt5 platforms so perhaps it is
> time to try other Qt5 platforms?  For example, you could build the
> upstream version of Qt5 yourself.  The very early versions of Qt5 did
> have character alignment difficulties in that upstream version, but my
> experiments showed they solved the alignment issues important to
> PLplot by 5.3.x so you will likely find the latest upstream Qt5 also
> does not have text alignment issues.  And if that is the case, then
> that experiment should be the basis of a bug report to your
> distribution.  Of course, if that bug report gets no response another
> possibility is to try Debian (which I know works well now with Qt5)
> some Debian derivative such as Ubuntu or Mint or some other rpm-based
> distribution such as Fedora.
> Good luck, and let me know how it goes.
> Alan
> __________________________
> Alan W. Irwin
> Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
> implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
> Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
> software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
> (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
> and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).
> __________________________
> Linux-powered Science
> __________________________


António Rodrigues Tomé
Universidade da Beira Interior
Instituto D. Luís (lab associado)
email address:
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