micke> What README file tells you to look at the FAQ? AFAIK, only
    micke> the INSTALL file tells you about the FAQ.

I am attaching the README (dated Oct 28 07:27) that I got with my
plucker 1.0 download.

    >> I was looking for some mechanism that would automatically
    >> select a default name for me rather than having to specify it

    micke> But you have to specify a filename, so why not use that
    micke> instead?

OK, let me try again...

According to the man-page, --db-file specifies the name of the pdb
file (on the file-system); --db-name specifies how the database will
be identified in the viewer.

To me, it seems logical that the title of the document (in the
<title></title>) should be used as the argument to --db-name IFF
--db-name is not specified. 

Using this approach, backwards compatibility is not broken and new
functionality is added that allows one less thing to be specified.

Let me give an example: if I bookmark a url in netscape, netscape
uses the name of the document as the identifier in my bookmarks file;
it does not ask me what the bookmark should be called. I can later
edit the properties of the bookmark, if I so desire, but by default,
something resonable is automatically picked for me.

This is all I wish for.

One other thing I didn't mention the last time I wrote, was that when
I install plucker into my 8mb flash card (on my Visor) I get fatal
errors at random times when I turn on my Visor; those errors go away
when plucker is in RAM. I don't know whether this is specifically a
plucker thing or a side-effect of interaction with any number of

plucker 1.0 README

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