> The plucker web page -- the most useful place for a FAQ-- doesn't have
> a FAQ in any obvious place (there's no link on the main page, the
> search link goes nowhere, and the links link is also empty).  The next
> step a reasonable person might take is to download the latest release
> of the plucker source, gunzip it, tar extract it, and change
> directory.  Oh, THERE's the FAQ.

        Ok, noted, I'll add the FAQ to the website.

> But still no 3.5.  Oh, it must in the CVS.  Yep, there it is, exactly
> where any newbie just getting up and running with the plucker v1.1
> would check.  Not.

        3.5 of what?

> But with that attitude, you're ending up not supporting the most used
> linux distribution out there, and costing a great application a lot of
> visibility.

        This is your opinion, not fact, unfortunately.

> I have recommended plucker in the past to neophytes, but most of them
> gave up because installing it was too complicated for them.  The last
> thing they need is to install a new python, when the old one already
> works for everything but plucker.

        Ok, so great, what are you doing to help us?


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