> problem with python on Red Hat?  If no one knows, then it is not
> appropriate to say in the FAQ that Red Hat has a python problem.  No
> offense, but given the track record, I have more faith in Red Hat's
> python than plucker code robustness.

Funny, I've got the opposite regard.  Plucker has worked faultlessly
for me, while RedHate never has.  The recent gcc/kgcc problems in my
LUG didn't endear it to me either.

> [...] It appears that Mike doesn't care too much for Red
> Hat.  Fine, don't support it.  But with that attitude, you're ending up
> not supporting the most used linux distribution out there, and costing a
> great application a lot of visibility.  I have recommended plucker in
> the past to neophytes, but most of them gave up because installing it
> was too complicated for them.  The last thing they need is to install a
> new python, when the old one already works for everything but plucker.

Guess what?  From the look of Mike's posts, it's probably safe to
assume that he doesn't use or particularly know Red Hat, but is trying
the frustrating thing of debugging a problem on a more obscure (to
him) distribution from reports submitted.  If you have a real live Red
Hat distribution and know as much about it as you imply, why don't you
lend a hand at squashing this bug, regardless of whether it's in the
Red Hat distribution or the plucker code?  At least if we can isolate
it, then it can be definitively laid to rest.

PS - I'm interested to know where you get "most used" from.  Many
distributions, significantly Debian, are not centrally sold.


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