First of all this whole program seems to be written for some rocket
scientist or something! How in gods name am I suppose to work this program!
There's so much junk that you have to do. I have Windows ME that mean that I
am suppose to download the version for windows. You also have a new
installer release 1.1.11SR1 now you have 1.1.12. I used the first one and
there is no way in hell I can understand all those symbols and letters. When
I go into plucker from startup and open edit db and setup, I get a notepad
full of mumbo jumbo. What is this. please tell me. All I wanted was to get a
program that takes files from off the web and transfer it into my handheld.
But this program is not simple. Not everyone can use it. Even the
instructions are hard because half the terms I have no idea what they mean
(ex.) maxdepth, parsar, python, html, href=, anchor, I have no clue what
this stuff means nor where to find them. I don't even know if I have all the
necessary tools and programs. What do I need besides the installer for
windows? Do I need python, I see it in the startup with the plucker program
but its just the website and "all about python". For some reason though when
I hotsynced my handheld, my handheld has the plucker home page on it. It
wasn't there before. This is cool even though I have no idea how it got
there. The only bad thing is that the links don't work and the images are
crappy. Your programs seems to be great to have but you need to make it
simple for people who are not as familiar with computers as you guys are.
Please please help me to get this program working, I would really appreciate
it. I currently have a visor deluxe with os 3.1H2  
 -Handheld User-

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