>You also have a new installer release 1.1.11SR1 now you have 1.1.12. I
used the first one and
>there is no way in hell I can understand all those symbols and letters.
>I go into plucker from startup and open edit db and setup, I get a notepad
>full of mumbo jumbo. What is this. please tell me. All I wanted was to get
>program that takes files from off the web and transfer it into my

Ok, you've installed the software.  Here's how it works... for every
database you add, you can tell plucker the settings for it.  This is good
because you can get specific.  Edit and Setup are what allow you to do
this.  There are two basic setups.  You can directly point to a page (using
Setup) or create a page which points to many sites (using Edit).  If you
don't know much about computers,etc. you might want to just use edit like

1. For the DB Default, click Edit.
2. This shows a page which will be the 'home page' of the database.  You
are going to add a line for each page you want to sync.
3. Go to http://www.plkr.com/index.pl/build .  This will ask you questions
about the page and then show you what to add in step 2. (it is a single
line which starts with <a href...)
4. Click the Hotsync option in the menu for the database.  Sync palm.
5. Read with viewer.  The manual gives good instruction in this area.

>But this program is not simple. Not everyone can use it. Even the
>instructions are hard because half the terms I have no idea what they mean
>(ex.) maxdepth, parsar, python, html, href=, anchor, I have no clue what
>this stuff means nor where to find them.

Granted.  But it is definately worth it when you 'master' the operation of
the program.  Use it as detailed above and you'll find that things start to
make sense.  Then you can start making individual databases and using the
more advanced features.  After you get comfortable with it, you will be
happy these options exist. ;)

>What do I need besides the installer for windows?

Nothing.  Every tool is included when you run the install program.

>...images are crappy.

Limits of the handheld, not the program. ;)  OS 3.1H2 doesn't have support
for grayscale graphics.

Please remember that these people work hard and offer this program free.  I
know it can be frustrating when things aren't working just right or
whatever, but don't take it out on the developers.  Courtesy can get you a
lot farther.  If you need further help setting things up, feel free to
contact me directly about your questions and I'll try to help.  I've used
the Windows version for some time and am familiar with it's operation.


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