"Kunal" == Kunal Taneja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Kunal> I downloaded the Python Image library and the Imagemagick and netpbm.
Kunal> THe pages which I have been linking to have been downloaded to the palm
Kunal> Correctly
Kunal> But this is without the Images.
Kunal> When I am Building the PluckerDB on the command line as soon as it sees any
Kunal> images
Kunal> it say
Kunal> "Could not load PIL library"
Kunal> Can anyone elaborate on why this is happening

It seams that Python does not find PIL. This need to be installed in
the right directory so that python find that.

Kunal> and How do i overcome this problem

I guess you use Windows, right? If yes download the Plucker
distribution for Windows (see link in my sig) there are all the tools
you need included. And the installer take care to install and setup
this in the right way.


Permanent URLs to the latest Version (1.1.13) of the Plucker Windows installer
 - For the Webpage: http://www.dirk-heiser.de/plucker
 - Direct Download: http://www.dirk-heiser.de/plucker/plucker.exe [2.08MB]

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