I'm wondering if the world is ready for the next release of Plucker to
require Python 2.x?  Everything in the current distiller seems to work
(on Unix) with 1.5.2, 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2, but I'm thinking that we'd
like to take advantage of the better support for character sets and
XML parsing in 2.x.  Python 2.0 was released in October 2000, so it's
been around for a bit -- the current release level is 2.2b1.

Actually, my statement above that everything works is not quite
correct.  The current code uses the *old* style of exceptions, which
are not well-supported in 2.x, and will cause unexpected problems if
raised in a 2.x environment.  I'm cleaning these up as part of my
general clean-up.


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