> 2.0 is available in debian-unstable, but for some reason isn't in
> debian-testing.  2.0 seems to be the default for SuSe.  I'm not sure how
> to figure out what the default is for RH 7.x.

        The Redhat 7.2 that I've been running for about a month has 1.5.2 by
default, but python 2.0.1 was also installed. We should have a python
"grace" period, like Mike suggested. Nothing we have in there really is such
a new whizbang feature as to require the 2.x series (yet). We should
continue to support a "legacy mode" if 1.x is found, and if 2.x is found,
use the newer features, even if it's for 3-4 months, until we're sure that
2.x of some version is in the stock distros.

        Personally, I compile those critical system things myself from
source, not packages. That includes perl, apache, python, gcc, yadda yadda.


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