> searches around..., AH!)
>       http://mahogany.sourceforge.net/
>       http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

I was quite happy with both of these program's speed on my very anemic
little laptop--run very nice. The overall polish of the programs way also
quite good. Mahogany really has a lot of options for email, but somehow
still couldn't prevent me from paying internet time by the minute to
download spam and Sircam attachment files. :)

>       Does this include dnd from Netscape and standard GNOME/KDE widgets
> also? This leverages the "drag a webpage onto the canvas" approach I was
> shooting for with PDBuddy. Code anywhere to bang on yet?

Good questions. I don't know the answers on these. Will spend some time
investigating, as dropping from these would be very useful.

No code yet to bang on, though will be working on it pretty much solid over
the next few days. Yourself and the rest of Plucker Team always has good
ideas for building software well--can there be a cvs branch for a Plucker
Desktop on the Plucker cvs at gnu-designs.org for the interested Plucker
coders and fans to collaborate on?

Best wishes,

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