"Bill" == Bill Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> BTW: Calling:
>>  plucker-build file://C:\test\textfile.txt" > out
>> Result in the DB name "file://C:\test\textfile.txt" and if its to
>> large it will be shorten from the _biginning_.

Bill> Yes.  What would you suggest?  I thought that shortening it from the
Bill> front made more sense than cutting off the end.  I don't see another

What about to use the filename only (cut of the drive, path and
extension) and if it still to long cut from the end?

At least the both ways to call the parser ("-f <filename>" or ">
<filename>") should end in the _same_ DBname.

BTW: since the writing to stdout does not work on windows (and i guess
also not on OS/2 on MAC) what about writing an "sys.platform ==
'linux'" around this stdout code, so the parser do not create broken
DBs on non LINUX systems?


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 - For the Webpage: http://www.dirk-heiser.de/plucker
 - Direct Download: http://www.dirk-heiser.de/plucker/plucker.exe [2.08MB]

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