On 2002.9.14, at 02:06  AM, Michael Nordström wrote:

>> i18n-bookmark,
> Bookmarks shouldn't be more than 20 chars (for practical reasons,
> since you can't view longer names in the popup dialog), so you
> might want to decrease the 100 chars you include.

Bookmark is limited to 30 letters (according to the width of 
Bookmarkform dialog).

>> i18n-hardcopy,
> Several crashes and unhandled exceptions (515) on my Palm V
> (running OS3.3). Seems like any page with a visible link will
> fail. Other pages will sometimes be copied, but most of the
> time nothing will happen.

Sorry it is not i18n-hardcopy, but i18n-hardcopy2.
i18n-hardcopy2 worked much better.
Anyway those sub-branches are merged to i18n and modified there.
Please see i18n instead.

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