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> That's just protecting privacy. Fine with me. You are not distributing
> that doc to other people and removing their freedom to share it.

        Exactly. If the document does not belong to them, such as my online
financial bank statements, then they have absolutely no reason to see it.

> GPG, passwords or firewalls are protecting privacy. Unless you buy
> Microsoft marketting about palladium, DRM is about restricting the user
> ability to do what he wants with data he purchased.

> In no way it will improve privacy. I purchase a DVD - I want to play it on
> my GNU\Linux computer regardless of zone, legally available software or
> license scheme. I pay for it - I want to use it the way I want.

        Nowhere in my previous message did I mention anything about privacy,
so thank you for diverting this thread to suit your argument.

        In any case, you're preaching to the choir here about DRM. I don't
favor it, however, I do favor my rights to protect my personal data from
people who should not have access to that personal data. You're confusing
Apples with Orangutans. With a DVD, a publically accessible and published
material, you purchase the right to view it, given the constraints set forth
in their guidelines (which does not include the right to "crack", "decode",
or "copy" that DVD, and yes, I use ogle, so I knowingly am in direct
violation of this every day).

        With a document sitting on my PDA, personal information such as my
medical history, financial records, or other information I may need to keep
on my person, I do not want others having access to it. Yes, it means I
would have to "initiate" the beam of that data to someone else, or have my
PDA stolen, but adding the owner_id ensures that if my information was
stolen, it would be fairly difficult to decode it to gain access to it. This
has nothing at all, whatsoever, to do with DRM, or restricting rights, since
I have given _NO_ rights to my personal data to anyone.

> With a DRM plucker, you would be sold document only readable on your own
> device.

        Plucker isn't sold, it's given away freely.

> You buy a new handheld? Pay again.

        Pay again for what? I think you're confused about owner_id here.

> You backup and restore? It may or it may not work. The company closes? You
> are left with no option. You don't have to look very far to see that: it
> is currently available under "mobipocket" brand name.

        You definately appear to be very confused about what it actually
does to the document. If you back up and restore, on a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT
HANDHELD, it will still work, as long as that handheld identifies itself as
your device. This is more of a PKI than DRM, in this regard. Somewhat akin
to a biometric, though on a very basic scale.

> That's just recreating with data the problem of non free software. That's
> why free software licenses for content, such as the GFDL, exist.

        Correct, and some of my data, such as my HOWTOs, my other content,
is copyright me, and publically available. As above, my personal data, such
as financial records, medical records, are NOT publically available, and as
such, aren't licensed under the GFDL, GPL, or any other means.

> The Free Software Movement was launched to create freedom and to protect
> it. The freedom to do want you want with your own stuff, with an emphasis
> on sharing freedom with other people through the "viral" aspect of the
> GPL. Protecting your own private documents (say, a list of password) is
> fine.

        Great, so we agree. The GPL _enforces_ copyright and ownership, it
doesn't remove it, or remove the need for it. In fact, if the GPL were
obliterated, the rights of the creators of software would fall back on
copyright law anyway, which is stronger. Trust me/us (the Plucker team) on
this one, we've already been deeply involved in a copyright violation
investigation with Plucker source code over the past year with two
commercial companies.

> Creating tools which will be used to prevent people from using their
> purchases (ebooks anyone?) in the way they want is wrong.

        A knife can kill. All knives do not kill, they also cut steak.

        Adding the ability to crypt the owner_id into a document, ensures
that only the owner can read that document. If you are talking about
encrypting a document that requires a password, that is NOT what owner_id
does. If a commerial company wanted to take Plucker's code and add the
ability to enter an "unlock" code to read a document, so be it. They're free
to do so (and they'd of course, have to give that code back to us, to the
project, but that's another matter). owner_id simply checks that the owner
of the _device_ matches what the document was crypted with. Nothing more.
It's not a password mechanism. No ebooks will be shipped crypted with an
owner_id in them, unless of course the company required you to change the
owner name on the device to read it, and that would be silly.

        Though, this adds an interesting possibility, "registering"
documents, where you send in your username, and a crypted version of the
document is sent back to you. Entirely possible. Will it happen? Maybe. Does
it make Plucker less useful? Definately not.

> DRM is about restricting freedom the same way non free software do. It
> should not exist in free software.

        DRM is about a lot of things, depending on whose view you happen to
take. DRM is about protecting the rights of the creator, and it's also about
restricting the rights of the customer (notice I did not say "consumer", and
fall into the media trap that all we do is "consume", like bacteria).

        I'm not a fan of DRM at all, when it infringes on my rights to use
what I have been granted the rights to use. I am a fan of protecting my
personal data, and the owner_id option does just that, without restricting
me, or anyone else from using Plucker itself.


perldoc -qa.j | perl -lpe '($_)=m("(.*)")'

Version: GnuPG v1.1.92 (GNU/Linux)


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