On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 08:38:09AM -0400, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
>       Exactly. If the document does not belong to them, such as my online
> financial bank statements, then they have absolutely no reason to see it.

Will you distribute your bank statement to other people?
If you do, you will need DRM. But IMHO you won't so a standard
encryption will be just fine since you will only protect your privacy.

>       In any case, you're preaching to the choir here about DRM. I don't
> favor it, however, I do favor my rights to protect my personal data from
> people who should not have access to that personal data. You're confusing

Then encrypt. Strip is a nice GPL AES application for the Palm.

>       With a document sitting on my PDA, personal information such as my
> medical history, financial records, or other information I may need to keep
> on my person, I do not want others having access to it. Yes, it means I
> would have to "initiate" the beam of that data to someone else, or have my
> PDA stolen, but adding the owner_id ensures that if my information was
> stolen, it would be fairly difficult to decode it to gain access to it. This
> has nothing at all, whatsoever, to do with DRM, or restricting rights, since
> I have given _NO_ rights to my personal data to anyone.

Encryption would help you. Anything else will encourage people to create
ebooks to be read with plucker and sell them - they won't be readable on
any other palm. That's encouraging and implementing DRM even if it
wasn't your goal.

> > With a DRM plucker, you would be sold document only readable on your own
> > device.
>       Plucker isn't sold, it's given away freely.

Companies will sell .pdb reable with plucker only on some palms. That's DRM

> your device. This is more of a PKI than DRM, in this regard. Somewhat akin
> to a biometric, though on a very basic scale.

My mistake - it's not a hard DRM but a little DRM

> is copyright me, and publically available. As above, my personal data, such
> as financial records, medical records, are NOT publically available, and as
> such, aren't licensed under the GFDL, GPL, or any other means.

And they should even be encrypted. Because nobody with a clue will try
to use encryption as an implementation of DRM

> > Creating tools which will be used to prevent people from using their
> > purchases (ebooks anyone?) in the way they want is wrong.
>       A knife can kill. All knives do not kill, they also cut steak.

A machine gun can kill. You can also use it to keep a door open since
it's quite heavy. But most of the time it will kill.

> does. If a commerial company wanted to take Plucker's code and add the
> ability to enter an "unlock" code to read a document, so be it. They're free

That should be prevented. While it can't be forbidden, it sounds wise
not to implement that fuction in the first place.

> It's not a password mechanism. No ebooks will be shipped crypted with an
> owner_id in them, unless of course the company required you to change the
> owner name on the device to read it, and that would be silly.

They will just ask you at download time, then create the .pdb on the
fly. First step, proof of concept - call it the way you want but it
proves the danger of this approach.

> Entirely possible. Will it happen? Maybe.
> Does it make Plucker less useful? Definately not.

Will it be DRM. Certainly.
Will it reduce people freedom. 100% sure.

>       I'm not a fan of DRM at all, when it infringes on my rights to use
> what I have been granted the rights to use. I am a fan of protecting my
> personal data, and the owner_id option does just that, without restricting
> me, or anyone else from using Plucker itself.

Consider encryption then, for example with strip. Don't open DRM pandora box.

It will end up restricting your own right when you'll have to pay for a
document to be used with plucker (say today NY times or any ebook) and
you won't be able to use it the way you want even if you legally
purchased it.

 Guylhem P. Aznar
 Now *@externe.net ([EMAIL PROTECTED]>@metalab.unc.edu->@7un.org->@externe.net)
 http://externe.net/geekcode http://externe.net/photos
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