On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 20:49, Bill Nalen wrote:
> Bill wrote:
> >I'm working on the Makefiles, and I need to know where to install
> >plucker-build.jar once I've built it.  Would $(JAVAHOME)/lib be the
> >right place?  Any Java hackers out there know the answer to this one?
> For JDK >= 1.2 I would want it in $(JAVAHOME)/jre/lib/ext.  That usually
> makes it available without having to add it the classpath.  I'm not sure
> about it being available for the java -jar command though.

Don't put it in javahome.  A jdk or jre upgrade will break you.  

I put jars in 1 of 2 places:
1. local lib directory (myapp/lib, eg)
2. /usr/local/classes

to do java -jar myapp.jar, you need to add this to your manifest:
Main-Class: org.mine.mymainclass

You can specify your own manifest file by passing -m to jar:
jar -cvfm myapp.jar mymanifest.mft org


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