The PDA is a Garmin iQue 3600, a PalmOS 5.2.1 device, 320x480 screen.

I get a consistent crash (requires pin-reset) under the following
  - completely fresh install on the PDA (all prefs, etc deleted using
  - plucker viewer 1.7.1 (current from today's cvs)
  - compiled under linux (debian sid) using 
      prc-tools 2.2.90
      pilrc 3.0
      ./configure --enable-armlets
The error occurs when switching to the mainform (the form that displays the
actual document text, etc), but only if the toolbar is being drawn.  The
crash occurs immediately after drawing the toolbar but before any page text
is drawn.  If the toolbar is disabled in the prefs (ie. while on the
library form) then the mainform will render successfully.  There still
seems to be a leak though(?), as toggling the DIA a few times will soon
lead to crash.

FWIW, the error dialog reads:
  MemoryMgr.c (line 3635)
  Null handle

The only compile-time warnings are of the form:
  viewer.rcp:17020: warning : Form has editable field(s) without Graffiti State 
  viewer.rcp:17228: warning : Form has editable field(s) without Graffiti State 
  viewer.rcp:17445: warning : Form has editable field(s) without Graffiti State 

The daily snapshot works fine.  Earlier versions of of the plucker code
(prior to the introduction of the DIA code) compile and run cleanly.

Can someone tell me what prc-tools and pilrc versions are being used to
compile the snapshots?  I have a hunch that pilrc 3.0 is doing something

Unrelated (AFAIK) compile-time quirk:
- A 'make' from either the plucker-cvs/ or viewer/ directories fails when
  it enters plucker-cvs/viewer/fonts.  (cd plucker-cvs/viewer/fonts; make)
  compiles cleanly.  The problem is that the root makefile attempts to
  compile fontconf.c using m68k-palmos-gcc rather than just gcc...

Any thoughts?

-- Brad

Brad Sawatzky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University of Virginia Physics Department
Ph: (434) 924-6580    Fax: (434) 924-7909
plucker-dev mailing list

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