On Tue, 4 May 2004, Brad Sawatzky wrote:
> I get a consistent crash (requires pin-reset) under the following
> conditions:
>   - completely fresh install on the PDA (all prefs, etc deleted using
>     FileZ)
>   - plucker viewer 1.7.1 (current from today's cvs)
>   - compiled under linux (debian sid) using 
>       prc-tools 2.2.90
>       pilrc 3.0
>       ./configure --enable-armlets
> The error occurs when switching to the mainform (the form that displays the
> actual document text, etc), but only if the toolbar is being drawn.  The
> crash occurs immediately after drawing the toolbar but before any page text
> is drawn.  If the toolbar is disabled in the prefs (ie. while on the
> library form) then the mainform will render successfully.  There still
> seems to be a leak though(?), as toggling the DIA a few times will soon
> lead to crash.

Send me a copy of your viewer.rcp.s file.


Dr. Alexander R. Pruss  || e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Philosophy Department   || online papers and home page:
Georgetown University   ||  www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ap85
Washington, DC 20057    ||
U.S.A.                  ||
   "Philosophiam discimus non ut tantum sciamus, sed ut boni efficiamur."
       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)

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