Dave Maddock wrote:
Why not go whole-hog and support the addressbook and todo apps as
well? It would be basically a cookie-cutter of the mailto
implementation, with a data record for each type of information.

Can we maybe route this through PPI to avoid having to put into Plucker a whole load of information on how to process different kinds of information?

We could even do this uniformly and have PPI handle even mailto links, as well as anything else that anybody feels like implementing. We would have lower bloat worries about PPI since it's an optional component, and since it'd be so easy to configure which things get compiled in, so quite a lot of neat things could be wired into it, including support for custom types.

A typical link would, I suppose, be of the form:
PPI would then route this to the appropriate application depending on the type, and in some cases would allow one to configure which app this type of information goes to and how it is sent there. We can then add to PPI some commmon generic types like

(with argument specifying language pair, allowing both standard abbreviations of languages as well as non-standard, e.g., dictionary:EN:KLINGON:hello )

and make it possible to configure PPI as to how each of these is handled. We could then allow Plucker to be configured as to which PPI type word-lookup invokes, so as to handle word-lookup uniformly with everything else.

Among other things, we could also have the very general type:
with arguments
for sublaunching the app with creator id crid, with the specified launch-code and with the specified data (which could be binary). PPI would take care of parsing this, sublaunching, etc.

In fact, to remove bloat even further, PPI could just be a plugin manager, as its name indicates. A plugin would be a relocatable code module together with a resource marking the type. And if we want to ban non-GPL plugins, we can have PPI check for whether a GPL'ed Haiku is in the plugin. :-)


-- Dr. Alexander R. Pruss Department of Philosophy Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057-1133 U.S.A. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] online papers and home page: www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ap85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Philosophiam discimus non ut tantum sciamus, sed ut boni efficiamur." - Paul of Worczyn (1424) _______________________________________________ plucker-dev mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.rubberchicken.org/mailman/listinfo/plucker-dev

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