The short answer is that, AFAIK, you cannot do what you want.  NetworkManager 
is tied into the Gnome Keyring support, and won't let you manage your WiFi PSK 
yourself.  The keyring is in Gnome (or KDE if you're using that desktop), 
NetworkManager just uses it (pretty much everything in the desktop is moving to 
using the keyring, in an effort to work more like Windows).
You can go into the Gnome tool (Applications|Accessories|Password And 
Encryption Keys) to manage the keyring, but NetworkManager is pretty much going 
to require you to use the keyring for WiFi keys.
It makes sense from a "we want to be easy for Windows users" viewpoint, but it 
removes a lot of choice.
If you want to manage things yourself, don't use NetworkManager, it's 100% 
designed to dumb-down the system so that no knowledge of networking is 
required, great for non-technical users, not-so for people who prefer more 
You can also just reset the current WiFi settings by removing the relevant 
network from your list of known networks, then it will have to prompt you for 
the settings next time you connect (but you'll have to remove it again if you 
want a prompt again, since it'll automatically add it to the known list).

Matthew A Coulliette wrote:
> Hi Lisa,
> Lisa Kachold wrote:
> This link did not help me. I want to remove all the keyrings, because I
> prefer to remember my passwords and enter them manually. The question
> is: how do I remove the keyrings from Network-Manager so that I can
> enter the passwords manually everytime I connect to a wireless network?
> MatthewMPP
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