On 5/28/07, Mayuresh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What plan have u subscribed to? I am using Tata indicom broadband over
> > the WRT45G right now to compose this mail!!
I envy that...!
Please read the details below and let me know if my setup is similar to yours.
> AFAIK, for Metro Ethernet connection, tata indicom provide static
> (public?) IP. One just needs to configure it. If MAC is also checked,
> you can us 'clone MAC' feature available in WRT54G (v5)
How do u connect the cable to the PC? directly or through some sort of
equipement provided by the ISP?
in my case:
ISP Line -> DSL Router (bridge mode) -> Linksys Router (Assigned
static IP Address) -> clients
similarly in you r case it could be
Case 1:
ISP Line -> some equipment -> Linksys Router -> Clients
Case 2:
ISP Line -> Linksys Router -> clients
Case 1 & Case 2:
You cannot do away with the equipment provided by the ISP, just have
the router configured the same way u have configured ur PC. Even on u
r PC u cannot configure the ACNAME thing through the regular network
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