On Monday 28 May 2007 00:32:59 Mayuresh wrote:
> > > What plan have u subscribed to? I am using Tata indicom broadband over
> > > the WRT45G right now to compose this mail!!
> I envy that...!
> Please read the details below and let me know if my setup is similar to
> yours.
> > AFAIK, for Metro Ethernet connection, tata indicom provide static
> > (public?) IP. One just needs to configure it. If MAC is also checked,
> > you can us 'clone MAC' feature available in WRT54G (v5)
> Don't recollect the plan name. But this is not an unlimited plan. They
> didn't provide a static IP and I don't think they do for limited plans.
> Connection just works fine using DHCP IP address from my desktop. I have
> been using it for over a year now.
> Secondly in metro ethernet type connection they do not provide a router at
> your place. So WRT54G is not a router for router replacement. There was no
> router at all at my end and now it comes into picture.
> (Some observations I made when I figured out the ACNAME issue:
> Just describes some details of my connection and what I find missing when
> the router comes in between.
> It had taken some struggle to get the connection work earlier. It turns out
> that ACNAME (Access Concentrator) must be set to VSNL_PUNEBRAS00 in the
> network settings for the connection to work.
> Try pppoe-discovery. It shows 2 AC names. One is the above one and the
> other is some junk looking word. Since there are more than one ACs, one
> needs to specify this one explicitly. Otherwise it tries connecting to one
> of them randomly. Somehow the other one gets selected more often and
> rejects the connection. Since it is random, even the correct AC gets
> selected sometimes. One may have to wait anywhere between 2s to 2hrs for
> that to happen. Specifying ACNAME explicitly solves the problem.)

So it's clear that VSNL having crapest of crap network maintainers till now, 
IIRC year back or so, same report from a VSNL DSL user popped on rp-pppoe 
list and of course solution that was suggested to him was to either push his 
ISP to fix this way of stupid setup or either keep using ACNAME hack.


As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist,
whose mind is illuminated in self, remains always steady in meditation
on the transcendence.
                        -- Gita Sutra Of Mysticism

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