> 2. Regarding the question of MOU, I think the government would quite
> like to agree about shifting to free software. The main question for
> them is 'how'. The issue is not what software they use to train the
> teachers, but whether it is feasible for them to go through this
> process logistically and economically. It is obvious that they don't
> have in-house expertise to do the training and maintenance of the
> computers. As of now, it seems like only MS has given them an
> acceptable solution. And with the knowledge they have, the dilemma of
> choosing between the lesser evil does not exist.

I hate to say this, but would can we recommend that the government go the
FOSS way with a clean conscience? Nautilus still breaks once in a while when
I update it. Evolution backends die on me randomly when I try to connect to
EXCHG servers. Interfaces are still deprecated when deemed necessary.
Perhaps we should start by taking a leaf out of Solaris' book. They still
ship with Bourne (not Bourne Again) shell as the default. When it comes to
huge organisations with inertia, corporate or otherwise, such things matter.

~ Manas
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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