On Tuesday 08 September 2009 06:52:28 Sriram Narayanan wrote:
> > When it comes to
> > huge organisations with inertia, corporate or otherwise, such things
> > matter.
> +1 to that. Reliability and stability matter a lot indeed.

If you use a stable distro like RHEL/CentOS 5, which has guaranteed support 
for 7 years, with no change except bug fixes, you *could* achieve the same 

On the flip side, that misses a lot of software update. Linux users have 
choice, either go with some degree of up-to-date stuff e.g. 
fedoa/ubuntu/suse/mandriva with a nearly yearly release or be on the edge with 
archlinux(my new home, yay! :) ) or worship stability and use rhel/centos.

Choice is great but if all of them are equally useful(or not!), it really does 
not matter which is the worst case including the other major OS ^_^.

Huge organizations should have a test bed to test the update and catch such 
problems that makes past formal testing by distros. So either way, the end 
users are not/should not be seeing this kind of bugs.


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