On 8/7/06, Peter Santiago <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This topic is going way off tangent.  Whether the open source bill will
be good or bad, I don't know (one has to check the bunch of legalese
they will put in).  For me, it's a question of whether or not use the
appropriate tool for the job.  It's a question of
effectivity/productivity versus cost.  This is reality.

Your reality is not my reality. Open source is not about the appropriateness
of any particular tool but the freedom to use the tools. Check out

This is an economic issue not a political issue.  Quoting from Deng
Xiaoping: "It doesn't matter if it's a black cat or white cat.  As long
it catches mouse".

Wrong again. This is a social issue more than an economic one.
In free/open source software, free does not mean free beer but
freedom (as in free speech).

What I do hope to see regarding this topic is how should our
"experienced" lawmakers construct the bill for the betterment of our
country.  Being Linux users, we certainly do have an edge in this.  What
say you?
Peter Santiago         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My website:            www.psinergybbs.com
My spamtrap address:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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