MJang wrote:
>  One thing I do to deal with the upgrade cycle is have a separate
>  partition for my /home directory.

Oh, yes.  In fact, the old-timers on this list will remember the early 
days of Unix, you know, when they had manuals and one was required to 
read them, that multiple filesystems was the norm.  It was probably more 
because of the relative unreliability of drives at the time, one could 
lose a drive and not lose the entire environment.

>  It re-emphasized the importance of regular backups for me.

It was for me a crude backup system, though I did find that some 
configurations were better left off the new install so I would instead 
rename my directory, install and then migrate back the irreplaceable 
things like email.

Now I use backuppc to a dedicated drive and wouldn't mind losing the 
home directory.  At most I would lose a day's worth of email threads.

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