Helpful hints to preserve a previous environment 

Tar the /home/<your_user_name> directory. That will safeguard
your .evolution, Seamonkey and Thunderbid mailboxes, preserve your
Firefox/Seamonkey settings, any programs/scripts you wrote and put into
your own bin directory, your aliases, .bashrc and .profile startup files
and anything else you put there.        

To keep a record of every program you installed, use the  "dpkg
--get-selections" command in a terminal. That will output a list of
installed programs. Use dpkg --get-selections | awl '{print $2}'  >
installed_progs.lst and save the list. Those names can be used as
arguments to 'sudo apt-get install --install-recommends' to install what
you had.

Alternatively, if you have enough disk space, you can just back up an
image of the entire disk.  In single user (init 1) mode, use dd
if=/dev/[your drive_device_name] of=hard_drive_image.bin. Use the 'sudo
fdisk -l" or 'mount' commands to ascertain the drive device designation.
The resulting file will be an exact image of the entire drive so you'll
need an even larger space on anther disks to store it. This is also
useful for backing up a Windows (or any other op system) installation
instead of paying for ghost. 

Word Wizard 

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