centos is based on redhat enterprise.  and very few enterprise shops are 
going to care about running games or even having opengl.  they care about 
running web, mail, database, etc services.  and they want those things to 
not have interface changes over a long lifetime.  so redhat picks a stable 
version of the various tools and does a lot of work to backport security 
and bug fixes to that original version so that your core enterprise 
functionality is not impacted.

only recently have they decided that upgrading firefox is better than 
trying to patch things because that kind of program doesn't need the same 
level of stability as sendmail, apache, mysql, etc.

ubuntu is certainly more desktop friendly.  so is fedora.  but fedora is 
not sanity friendly because they go to the other end of the spectrum and 
grab the latest and greatest toys and throw them in the blender and hope 
that enough alcohol will kill the taste :-).

i have only recently started running ubuntu on a netbook, and since i 
don't really get under the hood very much, that works fine for me. 
thunderbird, firefox, ssh all work like i expect.  but i run centos on 
every server i deal with.
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