While I am generally onboard with the idea that a prominent figure of the
Open Source community might be recognized as a leader of world peace (or
simply as having had a large humanitarian impact), it is unclear to me that
Linus Torvalds is the correct recipient. Linux is a cool piece of software.
Cooler yet are the GPL under which (by some stroke of great luck) Linux was
licensed, and all of the GNU software utilities were originated. Given
Richard Stallman's activism for the underlying development model (this is
what has truly enabled such change) I might prefer to see him nominated.
All-be-he not as peaceful a persona as Linus.


On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 9:52 PM, MJang <m...@mommabears.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 09:08 -0800, Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> > Since the Nobel Peace Prize is often given to politicians, some
> > disagree with the choices.  But it is often given to non-politicians
> > who create international efforts to change the world for the better.
> >
> > Look at the massive international efforts represented by SC09, and
> > realize that much of it started from the work of a 21yo Finnish
> > college student named after 1962 Nobel Peace Prize winner Linus
> > Pauling.  It would be fitting to honor that international effort
> > by giving a Peace Prize to Linus Torvalds, perhaps in 2011 on the
> > 20th anniversary of the August 1991 Linux announcement, or in 2012
> > on the 50th anniversary of Pauling's award.
> >
> > Linux is one of the largest cooperative international efforts ever
> > undertaken.  It inspired Ubuntu, One Laptop Per Child, and many
> > other global projects.  Linux conquered the supercomputer space,
> > the server space, the embedded computer space - by peaceful means!
> > Linux helped sequence the human genome, helps protect the world
> > computer infrastructure from viral attack, and is now the pathway
> > for millions to learn computer programming and participate in new
> > international efforts.
> >
> > The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize recipient (a politician some disagree
> > with, please disagree in a different thread, thanks) is giving
> > the keynote to SC09 as I write this.  Meaning that we are all
> > three handshakes away from the people that decide on future Peace
> > Prizes.  Perhaps it is time to launch some messages through our
> > connections and see what makes it to the committee meetings in Oslo.
> >
> > According to the list on Wikipedia, the five people to convince are
> > Thorbjrn Jagland (chair), Kaci Kullmann Five (deputy chair), Sissel
> > Rnbeck, Inger-Marie Ytterhorn, and got Valle.  We can start by
> > sending them Norsk language Ubuntu disks.
> >
> > While I imagine Linus Torvalds would be embarrassed by the attention,
> > it would sure make his parents happy.  And it would mean one less
> > Peace Prize for a politician.
> I think it's worth recounting Keith's original letter of support. From
> its very beginnings, the Nobel Peace Prize has often been only
> tangentally related to peace - but has frequently been related to great
> events in history.
> Linux is one of those ongoing events. Through projects such as OLPC, it
> is bringing much of the developing world (especially the poorest parts)
> into the modern age.
> I suggest that we take Keith's original note - perhaps in some edited
> form - to the [i]Norwegians[/i] who formulate the Nobel committee - and
> to some appropriate American(s) who can nominate Linus. (In an earlier
> note, I cited some of those from whom nominations are accepted,
> including some "University professors of history, political science,
> philosophy, law and theology."
> I further suggest that we take this to other Linux groups in the United
> States and elsewhere, in an effort to get their support - and in the
> hope that they too will push for Linus' nomination.
> As the main Linux user group associated with Linus' current residence, I
> think it's appropriate for the effort to start here.
> Thanks,
> Mike
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