I think the answer is d, but it is sooooo nice to get positive
reinforcement with the statement "You have done everything correctly."

I guess I'll bring the box and router to the PLUG clinic.

With regard to answer a) I tried again with caps lock, both on and off.

With regard to answer b) Rich Shepard in a previous email said
"You have both interfaces shown, but only
the ethernet (eth1) is running."

With regard to answer c) the router lights went out, and eventually
came on again, and from that I infer the router was rebooting.
Whether my interpretation of what the lights on the router mean may be

So....I think the answer is d)

Argh....I don't relish hauling my box to the clinic, but oh well....

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Bill Barry <b...@billbarry.org> wrote:

> You have done everything correctly it sounds like, so what are the possible
> problems
> a) you have caplocks on or for some other reason did not actually type admin
> for username and password.
> b) you are accessing the router over wireless and you are not actually
> connecting to your router, but to a neighbors
> c) your reset button didn't get pushed in far enough (did the router lights
> indicate it was rebooting after the reset?)
> d) ?
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