On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 9:57 PM, John Jason Jordan <joh...@comcast.net> wrote:
> It is now later and I have time to deal with the switch issue. I am not
> good at fixing things. Plus, even if I fix it, how long will it last
> before dying on me again? I'd rather give it away and get a new one.

I was wondering whatever happened to this thread.  :)

If it is a case of poor quality capacitors the repair should last for
years. The caps are about the only parts that aren't SMT in the
switches I've looked at, so are simple to replace if you have any
soldering skills at all.

Email me offlist if you'd like to discuss options for getting some of
the caps and/or trying to fix it. I still have quite a few of the

Here's a thought -- have a FixMyNetgearCaps event with the DorkbotPDX
folks at one of their meetings downtown, which were on Mondays last
time I checked.

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