
I really enjoyed what you have to say, and it has much truth to it. I fully
support you standing up for your faith in the Objective Truth when that
truth is publicly challenged. I do respect your zeal. If I had been part of
the earlier thread you are referring to, I may have spoken up as well... I
don't know.

That said, I don't see the purpose of posting this new off-topic thread to
the main plug list. This really has nothing to do with Linux. It is not
hiding your light under a bushel to stay on topic in a public forum. If you
must respond, do so in the same thread that had the comments that offended

Censorship is active suppression of speech. No one has suppressed your
speech so far that I can tell. Choosing not to reply to you is not the same
thing as censoring you by disabling your posting privileges. If you continue
posting off-topic threads, especially if you are violating any rules, you
may be censored, and you will have no one but yourself to blame.

If you have a great need to speak about your faith (don't we all?), please
join me over at Christianforums.com (or another topical board). We actually
have plenty of opportunity to witness to non-Christians there, and it isn't
off-topic to do so there. If you do sign up, send me a PM, my handle there
is Protoevangel.

My apologies to everyone for continuing this off-topic conversation; I
expect this to be my only post in this thread.

Best regards,
Daniel M. Head

"If we want to set our lives aright and find peace,
it is not the tolerant attitude of others that will do it for us.
It will come about, rather, by our learning how to show them compassion."
- John Cassian

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 1:13 AM, Michael C. Robinson <
plu...@robinson-west.com> wrote:

> Keith was wrong to do what he did on multiple levels where saying that
> all beliefs are equal has a name, it's called pluralism.  Pluralism is
> nonsense because it makes believing anything too controversial if the
> opposite of that is just as relevant.  If you want to live in a world
> where nobody can believe anything because they might offend someone
> else, be my guest.  I won't be joining you.
> I merely tried to argue against what Keith said with facts and requested
> that there be more respect and less censorship.  Clearly, this is too
> much to expect from some people on this list.
> This list isn't about religion, but does that mean it should be filled
> with religious/political commentary that is controversial and by and
> large unbalanced?  Keith has done this before and will do this again, as
> will others who are trying to use me as a scapegoat for their lack of
> professionalism, balance, and courtesy.
> Oh, and for those who have commented, consider looking at my arguments
> and doing some homework.  I'm sure you'll find that there isn't much
> evidence to back up the notion that God is female.  More important than
> winning that argument, there is no argument for what Keith did let alone
> for letting one person, but not me, get away with it.
> What I have done is call Keith on his off topic religious statement to
> provide some semblance of balance.  If you can't respect or understand
> what I've tried to do here, that is really your problem.
> And a thought, if the church is the bride of Christ, than the church is
> female and God is male.  From that imagery, mankind is essentially a
> woman and only God is a man.  Just another line of argument one might
> follow.  There are many lines of argument for God being masculine.
> When it comes to religion, there can be and are absolutes where the
> alternative, called Pluralism, is really quite absurd.  Belief becomes
> worthless if all opposite beliefs are deemed equally valid.  There is a
> logic problem.  Pluralism is not a way to honor diversity, it is a
> fallacy, a major cop out.  Disagree with me on God's gender, that is
> minor compared to disagreeing with me on the problems that exist with
> pluralism and preferential treatment.  The preferential censorship has
> to stop.  The only thing that can stop the censorship, a critical mass
> of people in this community calling for a stop to it.
> There should be a rule if someone inappropriately posts a religious
> statement that it is fair game for someone to post the other side.
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