Is anyone using a USB device with Wine?

In my search for a solution to my transcription software problem I 
finally found the instructions for correctly installing Express Scribe 
with Wine. I got the program running this time and successfully loaded 
an audio file and can play it. The next step is to have it work with the 
USB foot pedal. Express Scribe can do this, but it needs the correct 
driver for the USB pedal. My Googling suggests that Wine doesn't do USB, 
yet, but that it can do it with a couple of patches. That instruction is 
on a page from 2008, which makes me suspicious that it's out of date. 
The page is:

There is another page that suggests that this is still the way to get 
USB support in Wine:

So, before I uninstall Wine, download the source, add the patch(es), and 
compile it, I thought I'd see if anyone else has had success with it.



Dick Steffens

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