On 10/20/2011 08:20 AM, Erik Lane wrote:
> Both my keyboard and mouse are USB, and work well with anything I've tried
> them with. It's probably been about a year since I needed wine for anything
> (other than to drink) but when I did use it I don't remember any problems at
> all. I was impressed with the progress that's been made with that project. I
> only use it probably 1-2 times a year on average, so I'm not at all a power
> user of it. They have really improved its quality from back when I was first
> using it!
> If it would help I could get it going later today and check for you, or if
> yours isn't working I can tell you what's in config files or anything else
> that might help.

Thanks for the offer.

Keyboards and mice aren't a problem. What I need to do is to figure out 
how to get Wine to install and use a driver for my USB foot pedal. But, 
Googling leads me to understand that Wine doesn't do drivers since it is 
a user space vs. kernel space program -- at least I think that's what I 
read on the Wine wiki.

> I won't be available until mid afternoon at best, possibly
> even not until early evening.

Production isn't held up since I can still boot to (shudder) XP and use 
Express Scribe there.

Humorous result of Googling: vec usb linux

(vec is the brand name of the foot pedal)

I found a link to an archive of a thread that sounded just like what I'm 
trying to do. As I started reading the thread more and more of it 
sounded familiar. There is a good reason for that -- I wrote it on PLUG 
back in May, 2011! I wasn't paying attention to the names on the posts 
until I came to a post where I say that I posted the output of lsusb -v 
on my comcast web site. I did read then name of the web site and 
realized it was mine. :-)

One useful thing about that thread is that it gives the link to the 
transcribe program I used to use on my old machine.


Dick Steffens

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