> Looking for motherboard recommendations and a good place to buy. Don't
> care about gaming or whizzy graphics. This will be used for financial
> analysis and database operations. Need connections for 6 disks (3 sets of
> mirrors). Need at least 16 Gb of ram. Mostly interested in getting a
> solid reliable board.

I recommend boards *without* electrolytic capacitors.  In my experience
those have been the parts that are most prone to fail.  Reference
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitor_plague.  Asus and Gigabyte
manufacture such boards, though I don't know if *all* their boards meet that
threshold.  I usually have to resort to examining a picture of the board to
determine whether electrolytics are being used.  They're pretty obvious,
taller than most components, and typically black with a blue stripe on them,
and silver on top.  (Galen or Keith can correct me on that.)

More generally, I've never had a problem with any general purpose board and

         -Brian M.

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