from Keith Lofstrom on Friday 26 July 2013:
> >I am scheduled to speak at the IEEE Sustainable Technologies 
> >Conference at the Lloyd Center Doubletree on Thursday morning
> >August 1, next week.  This morning, the conference chair sent
> >out an email saying that all presentations must be Powerpoint,
> >the first time this imperative demand has been made of me.

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 02:49:11AM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
> Was it really a demand or just confusion between the generic and brand 
> name? (e.g. tissues, soda, slides)
> You can export your Impress slides as a ppt.  Perhaps one slide with a 
> video of you giving the talk...

Although Impress strives to be bug-compatible with Powerpoint,
there are 21 versions of PPT (Win and Mac) to be compatible
with, and the same morass of font problems, inadvertent mode
switching, etc.  The problem isn't whether something is
compatible with PPT, it is whether PPT is compatable with PPT.

After years of never-the-same-twice, often unreadable slides, I
gave up on all that and wrote my own web-based presenter, using
HTML and JQuery and (for now) Flash for the animations, with a
Perl front end compiler.  I use an RF presenter to navigate a
hierarchical collection of slides, which saves much time during
Q/A.  With a few clicks I can get to any slide, including the 10x
more backup slides I've built with answers to common questions.

The slides are all autoscaling fixed-ratio images, which makes 
the presentations big (especially with the full-frame animations)
but that leaves very little for the browser to misinterpret.

In theory, if the presentation laptop has a browser that can parse
standard lemonade html with CSS, javascript, and flash, I'm golden.
I can and have presented off USB drives, even off the web.  But
browsers on M$ platforms are even more unpredictable than PPT.

The only predictable aspect of M$ is $;  M they certainly aren't.


BTW - I was blowing off steam when I posted the protest in the
park stuff.  I'll negotiate something.  Or I'll just call my
presentation directory "PPT".

I could use some help Thursday morning, someone AV savvy enough
to move cables or reset projectors or the Windows laptop so the
session chair and I can focus on our own tasks.

Keith Lofstrom         Voice (503)-520-1993
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