My cryptic notes from when 12.04 was released said desktop eol was Apr 
2015 and server was Apr 2017. Google brought me to the following page
which seems to say that they rescinded that distinction. However they do 
make a distinction between hardware support (I assume they mean 'new' 
hardware support) and maintenance (security and bug fixes). You only get 
hardware for 2 years, and security and bug fixes for 5.

Looking at their wiki linked from the above link It looks like the other 
question is, which version of 12.04 are you running? 12.04, 12.04.1, .2, 
.3 or .4.  There seems to be a tacit assumption that the 5 year LTS only 
applies to the latest hardware patch release, so 12.04.4 which was 
released in Feb 2014 is the only 12.04 release that gets support until 
Apr 2017.  And of course 12.04.04 was released just under the 2 year new 
hardware limit, so it will be the last hardware update. So if you update 
the kernel (i.e. upgrade to 12.04.04) you get 3 more years of security 
and bug fixes.


Dick Steffens wrote:
> I just logged in to one of my Ubuntu 12.04 machines via ssl. As part of
> the process the system gave me the following notice:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Your current Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) is going out of support
> on 2014-08-07.  After this date security updates for critical parts (kernel
> and graphics stack) of your system will no longer be available.
> For more information, please see:
> To upgrade to a supported (or longer supported) configuration:
> * Upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS by running:
> sudo do-release-upgrade
> OR
> * Install a newer HWE version by running:
> sudo apt-get install
> and reboot your system.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So, if I don't upgrade from 12.04.4 LTS I won't get kernel or graphics
> stack security upgrades. I thought the point of an LTS was that it would
> be supported, in the case of 12.04, into 2017. Now I have to do
> something that, to me, seems scary. I noticed a line on the Update
> Manager window that says, "New hardware support is available
> [Install]" and Googled it. At:
> the last comment gives me reason to be concerned. I could ignore the
> requirement, but I wouldn't get kernel security upgrades. That seems
> scary, too.
> Has anyone else running 12.04 had any trouble with installing the new
> hardware support?

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