On Thu, Jul 09, 2015 at 10:14:19AM -0700, Galen Seitz wrote:
> On 07/09/15 09:47, Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> > P.S. regards XFCE and others - interesting options, but the 
> > distro I run (Scientific Linux) is tied to GNOME, and I do not
> > want to give up hundreds of useful packages and addons in an 
> > attempt to escape Gnome 3 foolishness.  When the providers of
> > those tools leave in disgust, so will I.
> Using XFCE doesn't preclude the use of Gnome applications.  I'm running
> XFCE on CentOS 6, but Gnome libraries are installed such that Gnome
> applications will typically run without issues.

Ditto for KDE apps. 

      Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
    Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
Weight doesn't matter. 5 lbs. off the total weight of 
rider and equipment wouldn't make a huge difference.
    ~ Jan Heine (on randonneuring)
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