On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 06:00:38AM -0800, Russell Senior wrote:
> >>>>> "John" == John Jason Jordan <joh...@comcast.net> writes:
> John> I wish to print a list of directories (but not the files or
> John> subdirectories contained in the directories) on Xubuntu 12.04 (up
> John> to date). I normally use the GUI file manager Thunar, but it has
> John> no menu item to print anything. There is, however, Edit >
> John> Configure custom actions, which appears to require me to use
> John> xfprint with specific options, but I haven't found much
> John> information about using xfprint.
> John> I suspect this might be easier from the command line, but I don't
> John> know where to start looking for the right tool. That is, I have
> John> used lpr in the past and I have a fair idea of what the available
> John> options are, but lpr seems to be useful only for printing the
> John> contents of a file, not for printing a list of folders.
> How about:
>   du | cut -f 2-
> The du utility descends a directory tree and tells you how many 1k
> blocks are stored in each subtree (or something like that), giving you a
> rough idea of where your diskspace is going.  The "cut -f 2-" part just
> throws the disk usage information away.
for the directories in the current directory with disk space used in 
nice human format:

    du -sh */

optionally to sort it by the amount of space used

    su -sh */ | sort -h

Which from my laptop's home directory gives output like

    michael@bivy ~ % du -sh */ | sort -n | head
    1.1G    Dropbox/
    1.1G    photos/
    1.2G    Cloud/
    1.2G    Language/
    1.4G    Videos/
    [bunch of stuff snipped]
    940K    Travel/
    986M    droid/
    997M    Phone/

Sort with -hr to make it smallest to biggest.

      Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
    Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
If you want to build a ship, 
  don't drum up people to collect wood and 
  don't assign them tasks and work, but rather 
teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." 

    ~ Antoine de Saint Exupéry
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