On Sat, 9 Jul 2016 18:00:19 -0700
Bill Barry <b...@billbarry.org> dijo:

>On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 5:51 PM, John Jason Jordan <joh...@comcast.net>

>> From the command line the ls -la command shows /mnt as a directory,
>> but the permissions are just d??????????, followed by ? for all the
>> other attributes. I can see the attributes it is supposed to have by
>> looking at it on my desktop computer (also Xubuntu 14.04), which
>> shows it as owned by root. So I tried 'sudo chown root:root /mnt',
>> but got 'No such device. I also tried rmdir, but got 'Device or
>> resource busy.'

>It did not take well to your forced umount. Everything still thinks
>there is something mounted at /mnt
>Don't really know  how to solve this, but you can try
>umount -i /media/jjj/Synology
>umount -i /mnt
>See if thunar is ok, then try to mount again where you want it.

umount -i /media/jjj/Synology
umount: /media/jjj/Synology is not in the fstab (and you are not root)

I got the same message when I tried it on /mnt.

The only things in fstab are / and /home. 

I'm afraid to reboot. Rebooting will umount everything, except /
and /home will be remounted, so that should clear up part of the problem
with /mnt. But what about the missing permissions and other stuff? 
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