On Sat, 09 Jul 2016 11:35:46 -0700
Tomas Kuchta <tomas.kuchta.li...@gmail.com> dijo:

>That (smb://......) will not work. you will need to mount your NAS
>into empty real directory on the filesystem - either on command line
>using mount (as root) or by adding it to /etc/fstab and letting the
>system mount it at boot for you.
>I understand from google that Thunar is some GUI file manager which
>interprets smb://..... and create its own temporary SMB mount at run
>time. This is unfortunately not usable by any command line commands as
>they are not able to interpret smb://... URL the same way.

Wow, a lot of suggestions. 

Then I decided to just move ahead to rsync and forget about cp, but I
couldn't get rsync to see the Synology. I gave up for the time being. 

Back to the cp command, I decided to mount the Synology locally, but I
couldn't get mount to see it either:

        jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media/jjj/Movies$ sudo mount -t ext4
        mount: special device does not exist

        jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media/jjj/Movies$ sudo mount -t ext4
                smb://synology.local/synology/ /media/jjj/Synology/ 
        mount: special device smb://synology.local/synology/ does

I also changed '-t ext4' to '-t cifs,' but got more error messages.

Then I tried df -k, but it didn't see the Synology. Looking at the df
man page I see why - apparently df looks only at the local filesystem.

I note that both rsync and mount are not seeing the Synology. It seems
to me that my big problem is giving the command line the right syntax
to specify it. It's IP address is and Thunar shows it in
the location bar as smb://synology.local/synology/, and in its shortcut
panel Thunar calls it '/synology/ on synology.local.' I've tried all of
those, plus some variations that I thought of, but so far I haven't hit
on the right combination.

If rsync doesn't need it to be mounted locally, then I should just
forget about cp and mounting it. But I still need the proper command
line syntax for rsync to see it.
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