On 1/16/2017 1:08 PM, King Beowulf wrote:
> On 01/14/2017 06:53 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>> I suspect what I'm looking for is ONE 3 ft piece of terminated
>> Cat6 cable ;)
>> I have two laptops - one (a Lenovo T43) speaks only WinXP Pro,
>> the other (a Lenovo T430) only Debian Jessie.
>> Sometime back I attempted to have them communicate via ethernet -
>> hence the availability of the Cat6 cable. As far as I got was
>> both sides recognized that electrically the other existed.
>> My LAN knowledge is ~= "null set".
> ---
> I have to chime in here: Although the ressponses all have good info,
> they are a bit terse and scattered.

"Scattered" doesn't particularly bother me. It natural for how I 
look up things  - get initial set of links, follow chains of 
links leading to asking apparently unrelated questions which 
often are the most productive.

As I said in my reply to Mr. Senior, I'll do a fuller install of 
Debian to a flash drive. That should give me a near optimal 

I'll use the remainder of your post as a check list of tasks to 
be accomplished.
Thank you.

> 1. Prerequisites
> CAT5 or 6 etehrnet cable with RJ45 plugs
> PC networks cards (NIC) 10/100Mbps or 1Gbps
> NOTE: not all older NIC cards are autosensing, but all 1GBbps cards are.
>   If they are not autosensing you will need either a crossover cable, a
> hub or a switch
> 2. Set up network
> Any IP address on the same subnet will work. As mentioned, you can omit
> gateway etc.  I will leave you to this list or google/man pages on how
> to set up the static ip addresses.
> Linux:
> WinXP
> 3. File sharing protocols.
> I use NFS here since everything is Linux or MacOS.  Windows needs extra
> software for NFS.  Thus you are stuck with SAMBA.  Depending on your
> version of Windows, you can either set up a Windows file share and mount
> it in Linux, or set up linux as a SAMBA server to share files.
> 3a.  Set up a shared directory in Windows.
> Once you share a folder in Windows, then set appropriate permissions
> (left as an exercise!), go to a terminal in Linus a do something like
> (will need root or sudo):
> # mkdir /mnt/<somewhere>
> (I will use /mnt/hd as it already exists in Slackware)
> # mount -t cifs //<shared_dir> /mnt/hd -o rw,username=<username>
> Obviously, <> items are replaced with your stuff.
> Now you can transfer files.
> 3b
> Set up Linux as a SAMBA server.  Pretty tedious but lots of good HOW-TOs
> online.  Use this is yo have multiple windows boxes that need to share
> with one Linux box.
> Have Fun!
> Ed
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