On Mon, 13 Mar 2017, Tom wrote:

> While I will not be recommending any HW beside R-Pi - here is my
> experience with the use of security cameras for similar purpose in the
> past:

> * If you want your recording actionable by PD - please talk to them
> first about what they need.

   This nudges me more toward the use of my trail cameras which use infrared
lighting at night.

> * If the image quality or camera placement is not good enough to be
> used as evidence - they might not be able to help you. This is
> surprisingly hard to do.

   I have a tulip poploar tree with 4 trunks at the east end of my front
yard. I looked briefly at it this evening and it may be possible to attach
the securuty box on a rear trunk with the view between two in front. That
would cover the street and vehicle parked there. A second can be mounted on
a rod tucked next to a bush on the west side of the yard with visibilty to
the mailbox and adjacent street. These cameras work great capturing wildlife
in the forests, and I've captured coyotes at night crossing the park behind
my house. Because there's no visible white light they shoud be sufficiently
secure from future vandalism, which is a very rare occurence here.

> * If you do not want to end up having additional hassle - make sure
> that you are not recording public or neighbors, etc. - as that usually
> invites challenges/conflicts or more vandalism with an aid of a hoodie,
> distance rock throwing and various face covering schemes.

   Eh, it's easy enough to delete the images (still or video) of late night

> I found it very frustrating and almost impossible to defend self against
> persistent occasional vandals and local harassment, especially juvenile.
> The more you fight it, the more attractive it is for the perpetrators. If
> your trouble is persistent, be ready for many disappointments, lots of PD
> report filing legwork, cost for repair and legal help.

   Years ago 4 jocal J.D.s were robbing houses and dealing drugs as a micro
gang. One was a neighbor across the street. I got used to seeing the police
park on both ends of the block and this kid walking out of the house with
his hands behind his head. They all did time in the Multnomah County jail.
Three of the 4 seem to have grown out of this phase of their lives; not sure
about the fourth one. HEck, they even robbed the house in which one of them
lived! Not the sharpest pencils in the box.



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