On Tue, 25 Apr 2017, Paul Mullen wrote:

The 800 lb. Internet Gorillas are making it increasingly more difficult for the Little Guys to run their own mail servers. Even if all of the various spam-fighting techologies are in place (DKIM, SPF, DMARC), if your server is located in an IP block with a bad reputation—pretty much any VPS service these days—messages still end up classified as spam, or in some cases, silently dropped.

Which smart host providers do PLUGgers endorse? Or are there any alternatives to paying someone to handle outbount mail?

I dunno. Other than a brief period of time after someone hacked a weak non-root account (my daughter, who should have known better) and did a spam run -- I haven't had trouble using my Digital Ocean VPS to relay mail.

(I also use it as a SOCKS5 proxy for web browser now that Comcast is authorized to monetize my browsing habits.)

At work, we haven't seen any issues using AWS instances to send mail, but they tend to send mail to a limited number of addresses, so I can't speak more generally about using AWS.

Paul Heinlein
45°38' N, 122°6' W
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