On 09/22/2017 01:24 PM, Dick Steffens wrote:
> My machine opens programs slowly. It used to be that I'd double click on
> a spreadsheet icon and LibreOffice would open it in at most a couple of
> seconds. Now it takes several. What steps should I take to figure out
> what's causing this slow down?
> The machine has 8 GB of RAM, a 1 TB hard drive with a 923.7 GB ext4
> partition, and a 7.9 GB swap partition.

Several things you can check for. The most basic cpmmands are 'top' or 
'htop' and look for a busy CPU, I/O wait, and memory utilization.

Other things that can cause some applications to be slow and others to 
be fast are filesystem related. If you have network mounted drives and 
that connection is not responding, that can appear as a delay.

Since you don't indicate that other applications are having a problem, 
this is hard to guess at, but if you open a browser or new terminal by 
double clicking their icon and it's snappy, I'd suspect filesystem issues.

Of everything behaves the same, then you have a system resource issue, 
and the first commands above may shed some light.

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