On Mon, 2 Oct 2017, King Beowulf wrote:

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fontconfig


   I am suitably chastised. I don't think of looking in wikipedia. I read the
man page and did a web search on using fontconfig, but didn't see a
wikipedia link. Sometimes when I'm searching for something duckduckgo brings
up the wikipedia page first thing, but I just don't think of going there
first for anything. Mea culpa!

> The config files to control system font behavior are here:
> /etc/fonts/fonts.conf

   I had looked at that and read 'don't edit this!' so I didn't. But just now
I did removing the two obsolete directories (Speedo and cyrillic) and adding
the superfluous TrueType.

> #Run this as root. If you put anything into other directories,
> #add to the list
> for fontdir in 100dpi 75dpi OTF Speedo TTF Type1 cyrillic misc; do
>    /usr/bin/mkfontscale /usr/share/fonts/${fontdir}
>    /usr/bin/mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/${fontdir}
> done

   OK. I had not run mkfontscale or mkfontdir before.

> /usr/bin/fc-cache -f -r -v

   I combined the options using -frsv; don't know if they must be separate.

   Well, having now done all this, the SBo directory and package name is no
longer seen on the page. And I still cannot see text on the Washington DOE's
database page. Guess I'll need to spend evenings this week trying to fix
whatever's broken.

   What a mess!


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