On 10/09/2017 03:14 PM, Denis Heidtmann wrote:
> Progress.  I got the ip address of the printer from settings/network in the
> host, pinged it from the host, then pinged it from win2k.  Both were
> successful.  But then I found out that the host could not connect to the
> router/modem until I shut down win2k in VB!  So it appears that either the
> host is connected to the router/modem or it is connected to the printer.
> This is not the usual way the host connects to the printer, as I am able to
> print without losing my internet connection.  The address was
>  I need to get rid of this direct connection to the
> printer.  Then how do I get the (proper) ip address for the printer?
--- snip---

Tomas mentioned, this sounds like something screwy with the host-guest
bridging setup in that when VB+Win2K fires up, the guest has sole
ownership of the NIC. Thus, the laptop host goes "dark".

you said (?)the printer is on wifi and uses DHCP (not fixed IP). The
printer IP address is from the wifi router and has nothing to do with
either host or guest OS.  You can get the Printer IP by using the
printer front panel to print a Network status page, or log in to the
router web GUI ( to see what IP is assigned.

Some printers can advertise over wifi for direct connection.  You will
want to turn that off inside the printer configuration settings. Either
page through the printer front panel or use the printer web GUI

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