On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 14:07:59 -0700
Dale Snell <ddsn...@frontier.com> dijo:

>> I found at least part of the problem. During remodeling work
>> apparently the power plug to the Synology disk station was unplugged.
>> Thus, when rsync tried to sync the Mediasonic USB drive to the
>> Synology it failed. But at least a couple of times recently I ran the
>> command manually (Instead of waiting for cron to do it at 2am), and I
>> watched in the terminal as it did so. It copied a lot of movies from
>> the USB, and then failed. Now I know why it failed.
>> The part I don't know is where rsync put those files. They are
>> somewhere in /media, because the du command listed /media as having
>> 56GB. 
>>      jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/$ cd /media
>>      jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ ls -la
>>      total 16
>>      drwxr-xr-x   4 jjj  jjj  4096 Apr 16  2017 .
>>      drwxr-xr-x  25 root root 4096 Oct 24 21:46 ..
>>      drwxr-x---+  5 jjj  jjj  4096 Oct 24 20:59 jjj
>>      drwxr-x---+  2 root root 4096 Apr 16  2017 root
>>      jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ cd jjj
>>      jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media/jjj$ ls -la
>>      total 436
>>      drwxr-x---+    5 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 20:59 .
>>      drwxr-xr-x     4 jjj jjj   4096 Apr 16  2017 ..
>>      drwxrwxrwx     6 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 21:08 128GB
>>      drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 270336 Oct 25 11:17 Movies
>>      drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 159744 Oct 25 08:00 Synology
>> According to ls there are 16 files in /media and 436 files
>> in /media/jjj. Why do they not appear when I use 'ls -la'? I also
>> tried as root, but got the same output. And for what it's worth,
>> Thunar (Xfce GUI file manager) also does not display them. 
>The "total <blargh>" lines in a long directory listing do not
>report the number of files in a directory.  Rather, they report
>the total disk allocation (i.e., the number of blocks) for all
>files in that directory.

Ah, that helps. I was wondering about those numbers, because 436 files
would be a couple of terabytes. 

>If you know the name of one of the files, you should be able to
>find it with the find(1) command.  cd to /media and try
>    find . -name movie_name -print
>If <movie_name> is excessively long, or you don't remember all of
>it, use a wildcard like \* at one end or the other.  E.g., "Star
>Trek\*" (w/o the quotes, natch) should find anything Star Trekish.

When I ran the rsync command at a time when the Synology was unplugged
rsync added a lot of files to wherever it put them, and they were all in
alphabetical order. Rsync got through the As before failing. That is
164 movies, where each is a folder with the name of the movie, and
inside is the movie, usuallly as an MKV file. So all I need to do is
pick a movie file that starts with an A and it should work. I tried
several such movies, from /, from /media, and from /media/jjj, but all
I got was 'no such file or directory.'

>Another thing you might do is cd to / and run the following
>    du -hl --sync --output=source,itotal,iused,iavail

        du -hl --sync --output=source,itotal,iused,iavail
        du: unrecognized option '--sync'
        du: unrecognized option '--output=source,itotal,iused,iavail'

Not sure what went wrong here. 
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